January 9, 2006 - 13:41 AMT
France Considers Opportunity to Review Law on Armenian Genocide
Debate has started in France over a number of laws touching the history, including those censuring crimes against humanity and making denial of historical facts a penal action. As reported by CNN-Turk TV Channel, there is an opportunity to pass new legal acts that will in fact deny the laws adopted earlier that censured the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey early past century and Jewish Holocaust in World War II. Specifically, according to French Parliamentary Speaker Jean-Louis Debre, a special commission is formed to eliminate the connection between legal acts and historical events. Earlier a group of 19 historian scholars proposed withdrawing the article condemning the Armenian Genocide in Turkey from legislation. They consider that "articles of the law in question limit scientific discussion."

French President Jacques Chirac has also presented his viewpoint on the occasion. In his words, France has to transform its legislation to promote creation of a positive image of the colonial past of the country in the text-books." It should be noted that in 2001 the French Parliament adopted a law qualifying the events in Turkey in 1915 as a Genocide of Armenians. The French Parliament also passed another law, which qualified the transatlantic slave-trade as a crime against humanity, reported IA Regnum.