November 16, 2006 - 16:31 AMT
Bill on Genocide to Be Introduced into House of Representatives till April 24, 2007
One of the Armenian community's prior candidates to the U.S. Senate was Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), ARF Bureau's Hay Dat and Political Office Director Kiro Manoian told a news conference in Yerevan today. In his words, Armenians are grateful to Senator Menendez for making the Senate freeze the process of Hoagland's nomination for Ambassador to Armenia. "The Armenian community had agitators in all constituencies and called to vote for the candidate. We also hope that after the replacement of the House Speaker the issue will be included in the agenda and another nomination will be announced," he remarked adding that an Ambassador denying the Armenian Genocide cannot represent U.S. interests in Armenia properly.

According to Manoian, newly elected House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have already stated that the bill on the Armenian Genocide will be submitted to consideration of the House. "In this view the victory of Democrats can be rated as an advance, because the Republicans headed by ex-speaker Dennis Hastert always blocked the adoption of the resolution," he stressed.

New Jersey is mostly inhabited by natives of Near East, Iran and South-East Asia, specifically China and Thailand.