John Goodman to star alongsile Mark Wahlberg in “Patriots Day”

John Goodman to star alongsile Mark Wahlberg in “Patriots Day”

PanARMENIAN.Net - John Goodman has joined Mark Wahlberg and J.K. Simmons in Lionsgate and CBS Films’ “Patriots Day”, TheWrap has learned.

“Patriots Day,” to be directed by Peter Berg, chronicles the events surrounding the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.

Goodman is set to play the former Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis, who worked with the FBI, Watertown Police Department, Boston Police Department, Massachusetts State Police and first responders to find and apprehend the suspects.

Paul Tamasy and Eric Johnson wrote the script, based on Casey Sherman and Dave Wedge’s book “Boston Strong: A City’s Triumph Over Tragedy.”

The film is produced by Scott Stuber, Wahlberg, Hutch Parker, Dylan Clark, Stephen Levinson, Dorothy Aufiero and Michael Radutzky,

“Commissioner Davis is an American hero, and John Goodman brings the extraordinary combination of humility, gravitas and empathy to portray him,” commented Berg.

“Patriots Day” is being co-financed by CBS Films and Lionsgate. CBS Films is handling production and marketing while Lionsgate is handling distribution.

The film is set to go into production in Boston later this month and will open in Boston, New York and Los Angeles on Dec. 21.

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