March 13, 2007 - 14:57 AMT
Armenian side loyal to spirit and letter of document on table over Karabakh
Armenian Foreign Minister does not categorically agree with the statements of some Azeri representatives that the OSCE Minsk Group slows down the negotiation process on the Karabakh settlement. Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian in the interview to the PanARMENIAN.Net journalist said there is no sense in continuing negotiations, if those statements are right. "I do not see any logic in that statement. And if the Azeri side really thinks so, its goal is clear: to exert pressure on the Co-Chairs, continuing efforts to pass the Nagorno Karabakh conflict problem to other structures. However, judging by readiness of Azeri authorities to participate in negotiations, today such opinion does not prevail with Azeri side," he said.

Commenting on the last meeting with his Azeri counterpart Elmar Mamedyarov, Vartan Oskanian noted, "As was reported before, during negotiations we continued to discuss principles of settlement, we touched upon details of document. In the result of constructive and encouraging talks we agreed on continuing meetings. I wouldn't like to pay a special importance to the statements of some representatives of Azeri delegation and I hope that the Azeri side will be loyal to the spirit and letter of the document on the table and desire to fix progress. Moreover, we are inclined just so. Our positive mood proceeds also from intensive and serious preparations of Minsk Group Co-Chairs to discuss the situation with conflicting parties. And we will be able to speak about results of coming meeting after it ends.

The next meeting between Armenian and Azeri FMs will be held in Geneva March 14.

  • Full text of the interview