Prince William and Kate tried, but couldn't snatch GoT spoilers

Prince William and Kate tried, but couldn't snatch GoT spoilers

PanARMENIAN.Net - As part of their official visit to Germany, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge spoke to German actor Tom Wlaschiha, who plays the mysterious and feared Jaqen H'ghar in the "Game of Thrones", Mashable reports.

William and Kate love watching "Game of Thrones" while eating curry, and even their royal status couldn't help them snatch some spoilers from the current Season 7.

This is what they asked him, according to Wlaschiha:

“They said they really liked Game of Thrones and have watched every series."

"They wanted spoilers, but I said I couldn’t tell them. I’m surprised they have time to watch such a long running series.”

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