Kingsman teams with Statesman in “The Golden Circle” red band trailer (video)

Kingsman teams with Statesman in “The Golden Circle” red band trailer

PanARMENIAN.Net - Taron Egerton's Eggsy is back in action in a new red band trailer for "Kingsman: The Golden Circle". After the Kingsman's headquarters in London are destroyed in an explosion at the hands of Julianne Moore's villainous character, Eggsy travels to America to connect with Statesman, the U.S. version of the Kingsman, AceShowbiz said.

Armed with rocket briefcases and a lightsaber-esque lasso, Eggsy, Channing Tatum's Agent Tequila and Pedro Pascal's Agent Whiskey team up to fight against some bad guys in the action-packed promo. And don't forget Harry Hart (Colin Firth) who returns to the sequel after presumed dead at the end of the first movie.

After the movie's panel at San Diego Comic-Con, Colin Firth addressed the mystery surrounding how his character could survive after being shot in the eye in "Kingsman: The Secret Service". While he wouldn't give away the detail, he debunked a theory that he's playing Harry's evil twin.

"I mean everyone knows I'm back in some way or other. But it's just, it's only for fun in a way that they're teasing it," he told Cinema Blend. "They're not...nobody wants to mess with people just sadistically. It's just how much, you know, if it's worth revealing. It's a bit like Christmas Day. Do you want to know before the day? But yes, clearly it's... alright you heard it here first, it's not an evil twin, okay?"

At the panel, an opening scene of the movie was debuted, highlighting Julianne Moore's nefarious villain Poppy. She forces a new recruit to turn a former co-worker into hamburger meat and then forces him to eat his old friend.

In "Kingsman: The Golden Circle," our heroes face a new challenge. When their headquarters are destroyed and the world is held hostage, their journey leads them to the discovery of an allied spy organization in the U.S. called Statesman, dating back to the day they were both founded.

In a new adventure that tests their agents' strength and wits to the limit, these two elite secret organizations band together to defeat a ruthless common enemy, in order to save the world, something that's becoming a bit of a habit for Eggsy.

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