Third of Armenians say connections vital for getting a good job: survey

Third of Armenians say connections vital for getting a good job: survey

PanARMENIAN.Net - 32% of Armenian and Georgian populations cited connections as the most important factor for landing a good job, a survey conducted by the Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC) revealed on Monday, February 12.

For the survey, answer options are grouped into two categories: meritocratic and non-meritocratic factors.

While the former includes education, professional abilities, work experience, and talent, the latter combines connections, luck, age, appearance and doing favors for the “right” people.

In Georgia, approximately half of the population named meritocratic factors, while just above a third named these in Armenia.

The only notable difference was that in Armenia, 39% of people with higher than secondary education named connections as the most important factor for getting a good job, while only 27% of those with secondary or lower education reported the same.

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