VivaCell-MTS keeps Armenia's border villages in center of attention

VivaCell-MTS keeps Armenia's border villages in center of attention

PanARMENIAN.Net - The village of Chinari in Armenia's Tavush province is surrounded by the adversary on three sides. The shortest direct distance from the state border in some locations reaches 600 meters. Despite the situation, people try to continue living their regular life and practice agriculture. The lack of infrastructure is a challenge though, which complicates the life of this borderland community. There are many problems needing urgent solution, but the outdoor lighting system is a priority for Chinari.

The residents of Chinari say the evening is the best time of the day for field works: irrigation is easier then. Yet the problem of outdoor lighting is a matter of security. The head of the local administration says the village has 14 km community roads that need lighting, but the south-north direction of the main road is a priority.

“Unlike Chinari, the neighboring villages are illuminated in the night time. Lighting the main road will encourage people, help them keep their optimism for the future, and will, at the same time, make the enemy realize how strong our people are,” said the head of the village administration Samvel Saghoyan.

Border villages have always been in the focus of attention for VivaCell-MTS. The company’s interest in these villages goes beyond purely commercial interests. Hand in hand with its partner organization, the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets, the company continuously undertakes responsible practices, clearly understanding that the approach it has chosen is the true path of contributing to the long-term development of the country. The proof of that are the investments made in recent years into social projects. The parties have committed to implement yet another program in Chinari by end of this year, and build a LED outdoor lighting system in the village.

“We have started the social programs planned for this year. We stay committed to the priorities we have worked on for years. Development of infrastructures in remote regions and borderland communities is once again in the focus of our investment programs,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

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