Coronavirus crisis: Armenia to assist pregnant women, newly unemployed

Coronavirus crisis: Armenia to assist pregnant women, newly unemployed

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian government on Monday, March 30 unveiled a number of measures aimed at alleviating the economic impact of Covid-19 in the country.

In particular, the government is taking steps to ease the social burden, specifically for the socially disadvantaged portion of the population, pregnant women and those ոհօ have lost their jobs amid the coronavirus crisis.

Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Zaruhi Batoyan said citizens who were employed in the private sector at least between January 1, 2020 and March 13 and have been dismissed after that period will receive a one-off minimum wage assistance.

The minimum wage in the country is AMD 68,000 (approx. $138).

Batoyan said, however, that people whose monthly salary prior to their dismissal exceeded AMD 500,000 will not benefit from the program.

The Labor Minister also revealed that the government will assist unemployed pregnant women whose husbands have lost their jobs between March 13 and 30.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan urged to make the support framework more flexible and include single pregnant women as well.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the country grew by 58 to reach 482 on Monday 30 evening, according to information provided by the Health Ministry. So far, 30 people have recovered, three have died from the coronavirus in the country.

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