August 14, 2009 - 18:29 AMT
FFA Appellate Committee satisfies Ararat's claim
FFA appellate licensing committee has today held its session to discuss committee's July 30 decision on depriving FC Ararat of license to participate in Armenia's national championship. The discussion took place in FFA headquarters.

Session was attended by 5 members of appellate committee. Licensing committee was represented by Department Head Arno Sargsyan and Deputy Department Head Arthur Azaryan and Financial expert Gagik Rachelyan. Ararat football clubs executive director Arkady Andreasyan also participated in session.

During the discussion, Arno Sargsyan read out FFA executive committee's July 31 decision setting deadline to FC Ararat for solving certain problems. Sargsyan also said committee had submitted a motion to appellate commission for satisfying Ararat's claim.

Arkady Andreasyan noted in turn that the club was already working towards eliminating existing problems, and submitted relevant documents for consideration.

As a result of subsequent voting, committee unanimously decided to satisfy Ararat's claim.