November 11, 2009 - 17:35 AMT
Trees are being cut in Yeervan: who benefits?
Again trees are being cut down in Yerevan, Ecolur reports, referring to statements made by residents of different regions of the Armenian capital. People speak about deep pruning of trees, opposed by experts, botanists, ecologists. "This is a crime, as trees cannot develop normally. Strong root system is deprived of foliage, and tree nutrition balance is disturbed. As a result, the tree is trying to survive, but cannot cope with the imbalance, and it can even die. City's green mass, protecting from toxic emissions of transport and dust sharply reduces , " Anush Nersisyan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, a senior researcher at the Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia said. 

At various meetings and events, environmentalists have repeatedly expressed the assumption that the reason for the deep cutting of trees is to release a visible space for billboards. However, at the official level, this assumption has repeatedly refuted.