January 11, 2011 - 21:16 AMT
U.S. may execute Julian Assange?

In their summary of arguments against Sweden's extradition request, Julian Assange's lawyers state that there is a "real risk" that WikiLeaks founder could end up facing the death penalty on the other side of the Atlantic. They are concerned that if their client is sent back to Sweden, where he faces allegations of sexual assault, the US would subsequently seek his extradition and could even try to have him illegally seized.

The lawyers' 35-page submission to the court states: "There is a real risk that, if extradited to Sweden, the US will seek his extradition and/or illegal rendition to the USA, where there will be a real risk of him being detained at Guantanamo Bay or elsewhere."

It goes on: "If Mr Assange were rendered to the USA, without assurances that the death penalty would not be carried out, there is a real risk that he could be made subject to the death penalty. It is well-known that prominent figures have implied, if not stated outright, that Mr Assange should be executed."

The document goes on to quote Sarah Palin - who said he should be "hunted down just like al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders" - and Mike Huckerbee - who has demanded his execution.

His legal team, led by Geoffrey Robertson QC, also claim that there have been abuses of process over his extradition and that the case against him in Sweden is politically motivated, The First Post reported.