September 23, 2011 - 10:29 AMT
Erdogan: Israel is not above the law

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday and said that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was the main hindrance to world peace, Ynetnews reported.

Israel, he said, flouts the United Nations' authority. "It has failed to abide by 89 biding UN resolutions and has ignored hundreds of others... This is a blow to the sense of international of justice."

He urged the international community to "heal the bleeding wound that is the human tragedy suffered by the Palestinian people," and "show Israel that it is not above the law."

"Turkey's support of the blockade of Gaza… This is a natural extension of Turkey's commitment to regional stability," he said."

He further blasted Israel's aggression in the raid on the Gaza-bound Marmara in 2010, and reiterated Turkey's demands for an Israeli apology restitution and lifting of the Gaza blockade.

Turkey, he added, "is a trustworthy and sought after in the international arena... we will not give up on our principles and policies."

"The Israeli leadership must understand that nothing can replace peace. You must read the Middle East's political map and understated that the situation cannot go on. Those who defend Israel must understand that real security can only come with peace." Erdogan said

He also spoke at length of Ankara's aid to Somalia and urged the global body to bolster global humanitarian efforts worldwide.

Ergodan also made a bid for Turkey's seat in the UN Security Council in 2015-2016 and asked for the member-nations' support.