May 30, 2012 - 16:16 AMT
Obama won’t meddle in Syria or Iran until November
According to the report of Oakland Institute (Sweden), wars against Iran and Syria will cost USD 4tln in 2012.
The recent events in Syria, in particular, the Hula massacre should make the West seriously consider the addressee of its support and the expediency of a civil war in Syria which has already started. Actually, it started back a year ago, under the mask of anti-Asad statements.Well, this time NATO has not interfered so far; lessons of Libya are well learnt. Still, the Western media depict Bashar Asad as a monster who annihilates his own people in an attempt to preserve the power. Even western media reports are now referring to the intercommunity tensions behind this situation; every time the UN intends to discuss the crisis in Syria, insurgents launch another attack to demonstrate they are still there.

Meanwhile, it became clear now that Barack Obama is not going to meddle with the conflicts either in Syria or Iran until November. Seeking re-election at any cost, he does not at all need another war. Furthermore, some sources claim that following his re-election, Obama will press Israel and the Jewish lobby in U.S. which he believes are pushing U.S. to an abyss.Basically, Obama’s position is somewhat justified; it is Israel that wants to strike Iran at any price. Hence the “new close friendship” with Azerbaijan emerged; Jerusalem seriously considers the latter as a spring-board for a land attack against Iran. Meanwhile, Baku, blinded with the “Eurovision” and its oil, goes for an open confrontation with Tehran.

Saudi Arabia also has its share in all this by offering $500000 for Asad’s head. Saudis could not possibly have made a sillier move. Qatar is also adding fuel to the fire, allotting vast sums to Syrian opposition by “friends of Syria” line.

As to Turkey, it recently switched to “friends of Yemen” seeing no success in Syria. However, global tendencies see quite different development. The crisis the world fails to curb so far is hitting the NATO member-states, and the question is how long they will hold out.

Analysts say that hostilities against Iran and Syria will cost USD 4tln in 2012, according to the report of Oakland Institute (Sweden).

No economy in stagnation will stand this test. At the same time, the “others” (China, India, Brazil, Iran, South Africa, etc) are increasingly gaining power and influence worldwide.

Now, let’s get back to Azerbaijan. Baku does not want to realize that the West does not need the Aliyev clan at all; what it wants is a minor alternative, the Caspian oil which accounts for 0.5% of the global oil stock. Baku is the stake Israel is playing on, while in fact Azerbaijan’s ties with Iran and Turkey are deteriorating. Also, Baku still fails to understand that in case of its close alliance with the West it will get no support from either Turkey or Iran if an emergency takes place. And this is sure to come, at least in a form of openly voiced human rights violations and the police state.

In addition, Baku must be aware that in case of aggression against Nagorno Karabakh, Iran will support Armenia since it prefers to deal with a predictable country; Azerbaijan is nothing of the kind. Neither religion nor anything else is concerned here, just mere calculation and geopolitical benefits.

Karine Ter-Sahakian