May 30, 2003 - 05:00 AMT
A regime like the North Korean may appear in the Caucasus.
Heydar Aliyev will not participate in the upcoming Presidential elections of Azerbaijan. Judging from the news from Baku, this is already decided. The head of the state has also decided whom he is going to pass the power. As expected, his son, Ilham Aliyev, is nominated as the inheritor of the power.
The officials are denying this information. But well-informed sources assure that the decision has already been adopted. The pro-governmental media have been instructed to continue the propaganda. “Heydar Aliyev is our leader and Ilham Aliyev is his successor.” It looks like the situation in the Northern Korea in the time of the founder of the ruling dynasty – Kim Ir Sen is the Great Leader and Kim Chen Ir is only a good friend. But as time went by, the Good Friend turned into a Great Leader.

The official nomination of Aliyev-juniour will take place at the session of the ruling party to be called immediately after the adoption if the Electoral Code by the Parliament. According to the ''Zerkalo'' newspaper, Baku, ''the President will thank his supporters for the honor and will refuse to stand for presidency''. He will suggest finding a new candidate. According to information, Aliyev himself will name his son.

It is not ruled out that on the eve of the elections the successor will be appointed Prime Minister. Political scientists of Azerbaijan have often mentioned the possibility of the ''Yeltsin'' scenario of passing the power. It is rather possible that before the elections Heydar Aliyev resigns, appointing his son Prime Minister and passing him legally the power. This scenario will allow Ilham Aliyev to stand for Presidency, in fact, already being the country's leader. Now there are two Presidents in the world that have inherited the post. In both cases, Kim Chen Ir and Bashar Asad, we have to do with a regime which is not being acknowledged by the Western world. The regime of Aliyev-juniour may not be an exception. Recently the political scientist Paul Goble, who has close contacts with the US Department of State and is considered an expert of Karabakh conflict, has forecasted sad consequences if the neo-monarchy scenario is implemented in Azerbaijan. According to him, as soon as Aliyev abandons his office, the stability in Azerbaijan will be disturbed. The destabilization will take place because of the intervention of outside forces and the activity of ethnic minorities in the Northern and Southern parts of the country.

Such a perspective may provoke the future President Ilham Aliyev to start a new war in order to divert the attention from the existing problems. ''The inheritor'' has already said in January that ''Azerbaijan has to be ready for the settlement of the Karabakh problem militarily,'' as ''certain Western circles make pressure over the official Baku in order to impose a humiliating peace on Azerbaijan''. Today the West should understand that this situation will lead to formation of a new North Korea in the Caucasus, uunforeseen and aggressive...