March 2, 2006 - 20:49 AMT
Turkish Propaganda Will Have No Place in American TV Air
Member TV companies of the Public Broadcasting Service refuse to broadcast debates with the participation of historians denying Armenian genocide.
Speaking on the events of 1915 in Ottoman Turkey, US Department of State representative Adam Erely qualified 1915 events using the term "genocide". He pronounced this word during the briefing, answering the question about the US administration's attitude towards PBS TV channel's demonstration of debates with the participation of historians denying the fact of Armenian genocide. It should be reminded that on April 17 the Public Broadcasting Service that unites dozens of TV companies in all the states of America is planning to broadcast Andrew Goldberg's documentary film, entitled "The genocide of Armenians". At the request of Turkish lobby the management of PBS has agreed to broadcast a discussion after the end of the film.
Of course, the representative of US Department of State did not announce that the US administration qualifies 1915 events as genocide. But the very fact that he did not avoid using the word "genocide" is already notable. Adam Erely said: "You know our position in the issue of the genocide. It has already been clearly stated. You can refer to previous public announcements on the subject". The diplomat's words can be commented in different ways. On one hand he nevertheless pronounced the word, which Armenians expected him to pronounce. On the other hand, he referred to previous announcements in which administration representatives used any words except genocide.

As for the debates, which the PBS is going to show after Goldberg's film, Erely tried to avoid giving a definite answer. "It is a TV show. You can watch whatever you want", he said. Demonstration of the film, which depicts the events of 1915 as genocide is not a subject of discussion. Turks no longer oppose to the demonstration of the film. They have satisfied with the opportunity of expressing an alternative point of view on the events, which took place 90 years ago. During the TV discussion American Justin McCartney and Turk Osmer Turan will act as opponents to Andrew Goldberg's film. The readiness of PBS management to give the microphone to historians denying Armenian genocide has provoked a wave of protest of American Armenians. In reply to the demand of Armenians to refrain from broadcasting the debates the management of PBS announced that the crime committed by the Ottoman government is really genocide. Broadcasting of the debates is conditioned by the necessity of public coverage and recognition of Armenian genocide by the majority of historians and mass media. In his letter to the leaders of Armenian National Committee of America, deputy executive director of PBS Jacoba Atlas says: "We believe in the force of truth which will be revealed during the debates. We also believe in the ability of Americans to recognize the truth".

This reply did not satisfy Armenian organizations since the leadership of PBS did not agree to cancel broadcasting of the debates. But it still does not mean that McCartney and Turan will get the tribune. The thing is that "Public Broadcasting Service" is not a TV channel but a network of broadcasters which are independent in choosing their policy and can decide on their own what to show and when to show. Not achieving the goal on the level of management, Armenian organizations have started working on the level of broadcasters. In many cases Armenians have achieved success. For example one of the largest broadcasters of the network, fully covering New York, decided to broadcast the film without debates. A Los Angeles broadcaster agreed to show a French film about Armenian genocide instead of Goldberg's documentary and debates.

Activities in this direction are carried out with the involvement of public. Armenians keep on sending letters to broadcasters. Any person can send an e-mail message with a demand to cancel broadcasting of the debates through Web page. Rock musicians of Grammy winning "System Of a Down" group also support the campaign. Broadcasters are beginning to seriously think that broadcasting of the notorious debates after the film is the same as giving the air to people condemning and justifying murderers.