March 20, 2008 - 20:52 AMT
The flow of petrodollar doesn't allow Azerbaijan to take the situation adequately
The Karabakh Conflict will be resolved neither by the international community, nor by the co-chairs, but by the help of the negotiations between Azerbaijan and Karabakh, regardless all the resistance of the official Baku.
Most probably the flow of petrodollar and the participation in trans-European gas consortiums have seriously effected on Azerbaijan's ability of taking the situation adequately. For some reasons, Baku has decided that the "irreplaceability" in energy resource supplies may set the conditions over the world powers, and particularly over the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs. The resolution, approved by the UN General Assembly, according to Azerbaijan may become a more effective tool for the regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, which is seen in annexation of Nagorno-Karabakh by force, because there is no other way.
The latest appeal of Azerbaijan to the OSCE with the initiative of dissolution of the OSCE MG may become the beginning of the attempt of the resolution of the Karabakh issue with force implementation. In this appeal a part of the blame is put on the co-chairs and on Mathew Bryza particularly, who says one thing in Baku, another thing in Yerevan and a completely different thing in Washington. Naturally the USA is interested in the oil and gas that Baku possesses. The history repeats itself: the same happened in 1918, when the Soviet Russia, who needed the kerosene Baku had, gave Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan, without thinking that it was going to become a delayed-action mine.

The Azeri political scientists have at once started to criticize and accuse the Co-Chairs of inability of making decisions. According to Zardushta Alizade, the OSCE Minsk Group has expired its resources and is not capable of accomplishing its tasks, announced

"In fact, the OSCE Minsk Group's responsibility is to convince Azerbaijan to agree with the separation of Nagorno-Karabakh. Changing the format of the OSCE MG will be possible only with the agreement of both parties of conflict, and Armenia will not agree with it. OSCE MG doesn't have any particular alternative, at the same time, there is not much depending on the Co-Chairs; they are simply mediators. In this situation Azerbaijan only has to carry a policy, so that it is considered to be an authority among more and more countries of the international community. This policy is lies in democratization of the state, establishment of the political dialogue and contacts with the Armenian community of Nagorno-Karabakh. We mustn't tear away, but create economic ties between these people and Azerbaijan," thinks Alizade.

Meanwhile the OSCE Co-chairs Yuri Merzlyakov (Russia), Bernard Fassier (France), and Mathew Bryza (USA) came up with an announcement over the results of the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Vartan Oskanyan on March 14 and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamediarov on March 15. The announcement particularly said: "After these meetings the Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group declare, like they did before the voting of the resolution on "the situation on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan" in the UN General Assembly, that France, Russia and the USA support the territorial integrity of Nagorno-Karabakh and think, that the status of the Nagorno-Karabakh is the topic of the negotiations between the parties.

The Co-chairs are convinced, that any peaceful regulation of the conflict will need inevitable compromises. They emphasize the need of the renewal of the negotiations after a pause during the period of the presidential elections of Armenia. In this aspect they mention with satisfaction the fact that the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Azerbaijan confirmed the necessity of continuing the negotiations between the countries.

In fact the Co-chairs didn't say anything new. In any case the Karabakh Conflict will be resolved neither by the international community, nor by the co-chairs, but by the help of the negotiations between Azerbaijan and Karabakh, regardless all the resistance of the official Baku. And who said that in the case with Serbia the territorial integrity of the country may be broken and in the case of Nagorno-Karabakh it can't?