November 30, 2010 - 15:48 AMT
World neither did nor will collapse from publications of WikiLeaks
It already seems they found a scapegoat in the person of a 22-year-old Bradley Manning, a United States Army soldier who did all that and is now to stand a military trial.
Publications of WikiLeaks overshadowed the preparations for the OSCE summit and the possibility of new agreements in settlement of Karabakh conflict. When the first “shock” was over (if it ever started), the publication came to be perceived adequately and the first question – who needed all this – became obvious. Obvious was also the answer – all those who want to change the world order established for years and finally adopt the unipolar world in which there is no room for sentimentality and all sorts of claims about “freedom of speech and human rights”.

In fact, WikiLeaks has done nothing new: it simply follows the unwritten rules of American journalism, the first of which reads as follows: “The American people want to know...” And what they want to know is far more interesting. We’ll say it here so that not to refer back to it again: the rules of American journalism are far from the norms so enthusiastically preached by the Americans themselves at numerous seminars and workshops around the world. So, the brilliantly organized leak played into the hands of the United States and those countries, which have been trying to solve their problems with the neighbors all in vain. And here revelations of the diplomats, hidden agendas and, presumably, the private life of many politicians that will be made public in the future. Several countries, obviously for public, will start reviewing their bilateral relations, others will be more cautious in their estimates, and the U.S., as always, will be in pocket: after all they preserved the role of the Supreme Commander and that of the Superintendent in one person. Whatever the Secretary of State and the President may say, hardly is it possible that they hadn’t known about the impending “leak”. Moreover, it already seems they found a scapegoat in the person of a 22-year-old Bradley Manning, a United States Army soldier who did all that and is now to stand a military trial. Quite suspicious is the quickness with which they found the “offender”. More than 3 million users have a direct access to the top secret correspondence of the State Department. So, it’s not a problem to take the information and “leak” it to whoever and wherever it is necessary. Even the site itself is suspicious; if we follow the logic that has endured since Soviet times, this is a product of Masonic conspiracy. Even this viewpoint has a right to live. The thing is that now very popular in the West are the political bestsellers, in which the role of global hegemon is assigned to a certain world government, which, as you already guessed, involves Masons (there is no getting out of it), and Jews, in whose hands are the oil and gas. There was already information on the Net, claiming that WikiLeaks is a Zionist resource. Well, perhaps in this way it is much more convenient to pass the buck for your carelessness and inability to protect your employees. Furthermore, if it were not for Washington’s bureaucracy, which requires a record of literally everything, leaks would be much less.

However, from our point of view, what happens is somewhat exaggerated: the world neither did nor will collapse from publications of WikiLeaks. If it stood 09/11, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the collapse of empires, the last of which is America and its predictable collapse, the publication of even million files would not change anything. News is a changeable and perishable thing; it lives on a week, at the most. Then everything will be forgotten and new subjects will have to be sought.

As for the OSCE summit in Astana, it will be as usual: a lot of noise, Presidents, excellent speeches and just another concluding statement, which can already be spread, as there’s going to be nothing new in it. Or there will be the veto thing by one of the parties of the Karabakh conflict, as it was at the OSCE summit in Lisbon in 1996, when Armenia threatened to put a veto, as a result of which the thesis on recognition of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and Armenia was not included in one of the agenda papers. But, most likely, things will not come to it.

Karine Ter-Sahakyan / PanARMENIAN News