May 7, 2012 - 01:35 AMT
CEC: votes counted at 98 polls, RPA leads

According to the data received following the processing of ballots at 98 polling stations, RPA maintains lead.

Central Electoral Commission of Armenia (CEC) continues counting of votes. According to the data received following the processing of ballots at 98 polling stations, the votes divided as follows.

Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) –12925 votes (71,22 %)

Prosperous Armenia Party –2715 votes (14,96 %)

Heritage party - 284 votes (1,56 %)

Armenian National Congress (ANC) bloc –432votes (2,38 %)

ARF Dashnaktsutyun –838 votes (4,62 %)

Orinats Yerkir –788 votes (4,34 %)

Democratic Party of Armenia (DPA) –21 votes (0,12 %)

Communist Party of Armenia – 119 votes (0,66 %)

United Armenians party – 27 votes (0,15 %)