September 17, 2012 - 15:57 AMT
MEP: EU may strengthen OSCE MG efforts in Karabakh settlement

During recent discussions on Azerbaijani murderer Ramil Safarov’s case, Estonian MEP Kristiina Ojuland urged the EU to deepen involvement in Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement.

“The so-called frozen conflict remains unresolved, with OSCE Minsk Group efforts having yielded no results. This makes the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe to search for new formats to settle the problem. The idea of "quartet" with the EU involved implies potential for progress,” Estonian portal DZD quoted the MEP as saying.

According to Ms. Ojuland, with the EU representing a major partner for both conflicting sides, the stance favors the interest of both sides.

“The EU has vast experience in settlement of regional conflicts. The Eastern Partnership is similar to the Stabilization agreement, with the EU policy having yielded tangible progress. Thus, EU’s expertise is likely to reinforce OSCE Minsk Group’s efforts, giving new impetus to the conflict resolution,” she said.