September 20, 2012 - 18:48 AMT
Turkish Interior Minister: no Kurdish problem in our country

Turkish Interior Minister İdris Naim Şahin said on Wednesday, Sept. 20 that “There is no Kurdish problem in our country today. There is instead a problem of terror against which our fight will continue until there is no single terrorist left in our country.”

The Minister’s statements seemed to admit the fact that the AKP government doesn’t agree on the presence of a Kurdish question in Turkey.

The Minister said that they were giving effort to resolve and handle the “terror problem” in consideration of its all economic, social, political, cultural and international aspects.

Interior Minister Şahin underlined that ongoing military operations will continue until all armed “terrorists” are killed.

Meanwhile on Tuesday, Kurdish guerrillas kill 10 Turkish soldiers and wounded at least 60 when they fired rockets at a military convoy in Turkey's Kurdish region (northern Kurdistan) in the southeast.

The PKK has several times proposed peaceful solutions regarding Kurdish problem, Turkey has always refused saying that it will not negotiate with “terrorists”.

Since it was established in 1984, the PKK has been fighting the Turkish state, which still denies the constitutional existence of Kurds, to establish a Kurdish state in the south east of the country. More than 40,000 people have since been killed, reported.