October 22, 2012 - 13:02 AMT
Areximbank-Gazprombank Group to increase loan portfolio to AMD 90 bln

Areximbank - Gazprombank Group CJSC plans to increase the loan portfolio (including lines of credit) to AMD 90 bln by the end of 2012, ensuring annual growth of the indicator at over 20.5%.

As of October 1, 2012, the loans issued by the bank (including lines of credit) totaled AMD 88.4 bln (78.7% of the assets), with 18.3% growth recorded in 9 months.

The share of the bank’s loan portfolio (including lines of credit) in the total assets amounted to 78.7%, with the total assets increased by 17.1% to gross AMD 112.3 bln on October 1, 2012.