October 24, 2012 - 18:02 AMT
Azerbaijan may participate in boxing championships in Yerevan

Yerevan will host 2012 AIBA Youth World Boxing Championships from November 25-December 8.

According to azerisport.com, Azerbaijan has voiced intention to participate in the tournament.

As RA Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs spokesman told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, the ministry will ensure the security of all the participants.

“Equal security conditions will be provided to everyone,” Astghik Martirosyan said.

“With October 26 set as the application deadline, we must get the security guarantee letter by the organizing side either today or tomorrow. The squad will be determined after we receive the letter. Azerbaijan will participate in the championships if Armenia provides the necessary guarantees,” vice-president of Azerbaijan’s boxing federation Aghajan Abiyev reportedly said.