October 27, 2012 - 16:35 AMT
Artsakh ex-minister: Australian state recognition of NKR message to Baku

Former foreign minister of Artsakh commented on Australian largest New South Wales state’s recognition of NKR.

“Australia’s New South Wales is not a remote state. Home to the country’s 1/3 population, Australia’s largest city Sydney is located here,” Arman Melikyan said, noting the state’s recognition of NKR a message to Azerbaijan.

He further deemed establishment of economic and cultural ties between New South Wales state and Artsakh possible in the future, expressing his gratitude to the institutions that took active efforts in that direction.

The Legislative Council of the New South Wales Parliament adopted a resolution recognizing the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh and the right to self-determination of its Armenian people, who declared independence from an oppressive Azerbaijan 20 years ago, reported the Armenian National Committee of Australia.

The motion, which was unanimously adopted Thursday, Oct 25, comes after many months of advocacy from the ANC Australia. It was introduced to the Chamber by the Hon. Marie Ficarra MLC, who was been a long-standing supporter of Armenian issues.

The motion acknowledges the 20th anniversary of independence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, it supports the right to self-determination of its people, and it “calls on the Commonwealth Government [of Australia] to officially recognize the independence of Nagorno Karabakh and strengthen Australia's relationship with the Nagorno Karabakh and its citizens”.