November 7, 2012 - 16:46 AMT
Armenian President congratulates Barack Obama on re-election

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan issued congratulated U.S. President Barack Obama on his reelection.

“I cordially congratulate you on your reelection as President of the United States of America,” President Sargsyan said.

“Your impressive victory proves that the course you have adopted, as well as the domestic and the foreign policy you pursue meet the expectations of the overwhelming majority of the American people.

We are grateful for the assistance the U.S. has consistently extended to Armenia. Your reelection we will contribute to further development and deepening of Armenian-American relations. I am confident that our multifaceted cooperation will yield new impressive results for the mutual benefit of our peoples in the coming four years.

Mr. President, please accept once again my warmest congratulations and best wishes,” the letter read.