February 7, 2013 - 16:22 AMT
Candidate Hayrikyan may change his mind, delay elections

A candidate in Armenia's presidential elections, Paruyr Hayrikyan, shot and wounded in an assassination attempt, may change his mind to continue with election campaign.

As the coordinator of Hayrikyan’s headquarters Manya Ayvazyan told PanARMENIAN.Net, the candidate might still apply to Constitutional Court with an election delay request.

The Article 52 of Constitution stipulates for a 2-week delay in presidential poll if insurmountable difficulties prevent one of the candidates from running for the post. In case of a candidate’s death, new elections are scheduled to be held in 40 days.

As was reported earlier in the day, Hayrikyan’s health has deteriorated.

“Mr Hayrikyan’s health has impaired. Doctors have banned him from leaving hospital, at least for a few days,” Ms Ayvazyan said.