March 5, 2013 - 14:31 AMT
Iran says nuke talks could reach ‘acceptable conclusion’

An Iranian spokesman says last week’s nuclear talks with world powers had “positive results,” despite what he described as subsequent “negative” remarks by some Western officials, The Associated Press reported.

The foreign ministry’s Ramin Mehmanparast said on Tuesday, March 5, that Western officials and media outlets are trying to portray the results of the talks in Almaty, Kazakhstan, as bad because of their own political agenda.

Mehmanparast did not elaborate on the results but said the talks on Iran’s controversial nuclear program could reach a “mutually acceptable conclusion, gradually.”

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday warned that the window of opportunity for a diplomatic solution on Iran’s nuclear activities “cannot by definition remain open indefinitely.”

Kerry said that “talks cannot become an instrument for delay that will make the situation more dangerous.”