October 20, 2005 - 16:59 AMT
Crimean Court Released Rasul Guliyev
The Crimean court released Ex-Speaker of the Azeri parliament Rasul Guliyev. The Azeri party, which insisted in extradition of Guliyev, could not convince the court that the case initiated against the ex-speaker does not near political coloring. Besides, the most part of the documents presented by Baku is xerox copies. Guliyev himself was not present at the court session since he was in hospital with diagnosis of "hypertension stroke". Guliyev's representatives welcomed the court decision with applauds, though they fear that it can deteriorate relations between Ukraine and Azerbaijan.

To remind, Guliyev was detained October 17 in the Simferopol airport by the officers of the Ukrainian Interpol. A case against the Ex-Speaker was initiated in Azerbaijan. He is accused of committing embezzlement of state property and was wanted by Interpol since 2000. 58-year-old Rasul Guliyev, who has lived in the U.S. for 9 years, was going to return to the homeland to participate in the parliamentary election. Earlier he was detained in Netherlands but was discharged after examination of the documents, Ukrainskaya Pravda reports.