October 28, 2005 - 17:58 AMT
ICG Working out Karabakh Peace Accord Plan
International Crisis Group (ICG) representative for the South Caucasus Sabina Fraser stated that the organization will work out a peace plan for settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. In her words, work in this direction continues. It should be noted that ICG NGO periodically prepares reports on the situation in the South Caucasian countries and its attention towards the region has increased. The ICG is a non-governmental organization and one of its tasks lies in studying the situation in the Caucasus, when commenting on the issue Chief of the International Relations Department of Aliyev Administration Novruz Mammedov remarked. «The Nagorno Karabakh conflict is the major problem in the South Caucasus. The ICG is more interested in processes in Azerbaijan. Attention is more focused on parliamentary election in the current state of affairs. The international posture over the elections is known and it has become more categorical lately,» he said. The ICG has proposals over settlement of the NK conflict, Mammedov said. However, in his words, «the latest report of the organization does not content us. The ICG mission is not clear enough. The organization was not commissioned to work out any conflict settlement plans. Like other NGOs, the ICG decides on its own which job to do. They may be performing an order of some circles.»

Azerbaijan has to respond to the ICG report in any case, Mammedov said, "as they come, study situation here and arrange a document based on it. The international community read the document. ICG major task is to spread information about conflict."

Mammedov also reported that he had made a number of proposals during his meetings with representatives of the ICG. «I told them that if they want to take a really fair stand and make proposals, they should know South Caucasus history well, comprehensively study the history of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. They have to correctly assess current processes and take a correct stand on that basis,» he stated. «It is impossible to implement the proposals that are included in the report drawn up by them,» Mammedov also added. In his opinion, «the Armenian party does not agree with some of these proposals either.»