October 31, 2005 - 17:24 AMT
PACE Assesses Armenia's Efforts for Integration into European Structures
Today Armenian National Assembly Chairman Artur Baghdassaryan met with PACE Vice President Bernard Schreiner, who arrived in Armenia to take part in the events dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Armenian parliament, RA NA press center reported. A. Baghdassaryan informed Mr. Schreiner of the reforms carried out in Armenia in accord with the commitments undertaken at the entry to the CoE. He also mentioned of the referendum on the constitutional amendments scheduled for November 27. Support of the European structures and PACE specifically to the democratization process is significant, Artur Baghdassaryan stated. In his turn Bernard Schreiner on behalf of PACE President René van der Linden thanked the Armenian parliament for the moves towards the integration into the European structures and wished success in adopting the constitutional amendments, which will become an advance for Armenia. During the meeting the interlocutors also touched upon issues referring to regional development.