November 1, 2005 - 17:27 AMT
Finnish Legislative Experience Can Assist Armenia Eurointegration
Armenian Speaker Artur Baghdassaryan met with Finnish Parliament Vice-Chair Markku Koski being in Yerevan to take part in events marking the 15th anniversary of the National Assembly of Armenia, reported the Press Service of the NA of Armenia. The parties discussed development of bilateral interparliamentary ties. Mr. Koski noted the importance of development of these ties in the globalizing world. In his words, these provide an opportunity to held each other and promote strengthening friendly relations. The Finnish Parliament will mark its centenary in 2006 and Markku Koski invited Artur Baghdassaryan to visit Helsinki. In his words, he is in Armenia for the first time and the developments in Armenia impressed him much. The political stability provides good opportunities for economic development and investments. A. Baghdassaryan noted the importance of development of business cooperation and said the legislative experience of Finland may assist Armenia's European integration.