April 8, 2013 - 14:49 AMT
Forum for Armenian, Turkish businesswomen opens in Yerevan

A two-day forum titled “Establishment of trade and economic relations” for Armenian and Turkish businesswomen kicked off in Yerevan on April 8. The event aims to brief Turkish businesswomen on Armenia’s business environment, tax and customs system, as well as companies’ registration procedures.

The forum, organized by Enterprise Development and Market Competitiveness (EDMC) and Women's Forum NGO, brought together 25 participants, representing tourism industry, medicine, confectionery industry, construction sector, etc.

The event will feature an exhibition today, on April 8, with representatives of Armenian Development Agency (ADA) and Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development National Center to deliver reports. The State Revenue Committee will present Armenia’s fiscal and customs procedures on April 9, to be followed by business meetings and visits, Women's Forum NGO press service said.