April 8, 2013 - 21:38 AMT
Police: Hovannsian-organized assemblies increasingly illegal

Armenian Police issued a statement on the public meeting to be organized by Heritage party leader Raffi Hovannisian on Tuesday, April 9.

“Police of the Republic of Armenia consider it is necessary to emphasize that it has strictly complied with its obligation to support the freedom of peaceful assembly in the limits of its competence. Hereinafter Police of the Republic of Armenia will continue its activities in the manner determined by the Law,” the statement said.

“At the same time, the meetings organized by the former presidential candidate Raffi Hovannisian tend to become increasingly illegal, while violating the obligation to keep the meetings peaceful in nature.

In such circumstances, the police must perform it duties as defined by Law.

In order to avoid the inevitable and appropriate intervention of Police and possible clashes, Police of the Republic of Armenia calls the organizers the participants of the assembly to observe aforementioned demands.

Police of the Republic of Armenia considers it necessary to emphasize that its support for assemblies will continue only as long as the assembly maintains its peaceful nature and does not engage in dangerous activities posing immediate threat to peaceful assembly,” the statement concluded.