May 4, 2013 - 16:22 AMT
Cambridge University to host readings of Armenian literature

Cambridge University will host annual readings on May 9, with Vsesvit journal published in the framework of Yerevan World Book Capital 2012 programs to be presented.

According to the editor-in-chief of the journal Oleh Mykytenko, Vsesvit is the only Ukrainian journal with the translations of foreign literature works published since 1925.

The anniversary edition included the translations of the works by Armenian classic and contemporarily writers, such as Eduard Militonyan, Davit Hovhannes, Artem Harutyunyan, Levon Ananyan, Davit Muradyan, etc.

Kyiv hosted the presentation of the special edition of Vsesvit journal in April 2012, with the representatives of Armenian Diaspora ministry, writers and journalists present.

In November 2012, the journal representatives were awarded RA Diaspora ministry’s gold medal.