January 10, 2006 - 19:42 AMT
No Progress in Armenia-Turkey Relations in 2005
No notable progress is registered in Armenia-Turkey relations within the past year, Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian stated at today's news conference on the results of the MFA activities in 2005. In his words, the situation is conditioned by Ankara policy towards Armenia. Turkey keeps conditioning Armenian-Turkish reconciliation by constantly proposed preconditions - refusal to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, acknowledgement of territorial integrity of Turkey, settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and others, while Armenia is for establishing relations with Turkey without preconditions. «Armenia has always stated its readiness to hold talks and discussed problems between Armenia and Turkey to search for their solution,» stated the Armenian FM. Meanwhile, Turkey along with Azerbaijan continues hampering process of Armenia's full inclusion in regional programs.

In Oskanian's words, the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide resulted in wide discussion of the issue both in political and public circles of Turkey, leading to hearings in the Turkish Parliament. As a result Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a proposal to Armenian President Robert Kocharian to form a joint historical commission. As it is known, in response the President of Armenia confirmed Armenia's stand that official Yerevan is ready to discuss any matters with Turkey after establishment of normal relations between the two countries. The year 2005 was marked with two meetings of Turkish and Armenians FMs in Vienna, aimed at clearing out the positions after the exchange of the aforementioned letters, Armenian FM added.