May 29, 2013 - 13:26 AMT
Armenian President meets Prince Charles

President Serzh Sargsyan met on May 29 with Prince Charles, currently in Armenia at the invitation of "Yerevan, My Love!" charity initiative.

President Sargsyan highly assessed Armenian-British ties, asking Prince Charles to convey his greetings to Queen Elizabeth II.

Armenian President conditioned Armenian people’s warm attitude by the charity activities Prince Charles promotes, citing active involvement in “Yerevan, My Love!” program.

He further thanked the founder of "Yerevan, My Love!" charity initiative Armen Sargsyan for initiating the program and for the organization of Prince Charles’s visit to Armenia.

Prince Charles, in turn, thanked President Sargsyan for the warm welcome, attaching importance to “Yerevan, My Love!” charity initiative and Dilijan International School program. He also expressed readiness to develop the support program targeting young Armenian businessmen.

The meeting further focused on Armenian-British political dialogue and cooperation prospects, presidential press service reported.