January 19, 2006 - 13:26 AMT
Azeri MPs Did Not Manage to Form «Karabakh Faction» in Parliament
Efforts to form a «Karabakh faction» in the Azeri Milli Mejlis were in vain, MP Fazil Gazanfaroghlu said. In his words, only 18 MPs agreed with the proposal to form a «Karabakh faction». In Gazanfaroghlu's words, he also proposed forming a Karabakh Commission. «The MPs did not agree with any of my proposals. Even deputies having Karabakh origins were indifferent. In their opinion, there is no need to form a «Karabakh faction» in the Azeri Milli Mejlis. The Government deals with all issues.» Gazanfaroghlu remarked that he will again voice the issue in the Parliament at the first session after the vacation is over, reported APA Azeri news agency.