March 6, 2006 - 17:03 AMT
Armenia Takes Steps for Activation of Military Cooperation with Georgia
The Armenian-Georgian relations proceed from the strategic interests of both states, says the report titled "Directions of National Security Strategy of the Republic of Armenia" issued by Secretary at the National Security Council at the RA President, Defense Minister Serge Sargsyan. In the Minister's words, these relations are targeted at regional and European integration, sustainable and consistent development and cooperation in the economic, energy, transport and military sectors as well as at reformation of legislative field regulating these sectors. The report notes that the relations between Armenia and Georgia are mutually beneficial, since the geographic location of both states can provide a link for Armenia's transport and economic cooperation with Russia and Europe and Georgia's cooperation with Iran and Near East. Besides, the document says, both Armenia and Georgia adhere to the peaceful settlement of the regional conflicts for the sake of national and regional security. The report also says that the states do not exercise practical cooperation in the military sector although this is mutually beneficial as well. Armenia is undertaking steps for the activation of ties in this field," the Minister said. He reminded that during the Armenian President's visit to Georgia in 2004 an agreement on establishment of military-diplomatic ties at the level of military attachés was achieved. "The Armenian-Georgian relations are important not only for the states but also for the formation of efficient architecture of the South Caucasian regional security," the document says.