March 28, 2006 - 20:44 AMT
Aliyev Says of "200-year Aggression against Azeris"
"The policy of genocide and aggression pursued by the Armenian nationalists against the Azerbaijani people has a 200-yearhistory. The purpose of this policy is to drive Azeris out of their historical land and form on these territories Great Armenia invented by the Armenian ideologists," says the address of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to the people of Azerbaijan on March 31 the so-called day of Azeri genocide. The Azeri leader noted that Baku "wishes to settle the Nagorno Karabakh conflict within the framework of the international law." "Our principal demand is the restoration of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and return of refugees to their homes," he said.

In Aliyev's opinion the "policy of aggression keeps Armenia aside of all the regional projects." "We wish the historical justice be restored and people pursuing the policy of occupation and genocide be called to account. I am convinced that thanks to the national unity and purposeful activities we will achieve our goal and unmask all those who create hostility among nations," the statement says, reported Trend new agency.

Let us note that 200 years ago Azerbaijan did not exist on the map and Azeri nation did not exist either. Russian general Anton Denikin in his "Studies of Russian Distemper" wrote about the formation of the Azerbaijani Democratic republic in 1918, "Everything in the Azeri republic is artificial, unnatural, starting with the name borrowed from one of the Persian provinces. An artificial territory pursuing the policy of pa-Turkism and pan-Islamism being an outpost in the Caucasus… artificial state system." It should also be noted that 200 years ago Armenia was under the Turkish yoke and could not perpetrate genocide.