April 10, 2006 - 18:48 AMT
Armenia Can Represent Strategic Interest for French Companies
Armenia can represent strategic interest for a number of major French companies, France's Ambassador to the RA Henry Cuny stated at press conference today. In his words, the establishment of regular air communication between the two states by Air France is not only of economic but also of political significance. "Within globalization any development of political relations is impossible without strengthening of economic ties. In this view the establishment of immediate air communication between our states is very important," Henry Cuny said.

He reminded of joint ventures in the agricultural, pharmaceutical sector and the import of Renault cars as a good example of successful economic cooperation. At that the Ambassador underscored that the Yerevan-Paris flight is dated to the opening of the Year of Armenia in France. Mr. Cuny also noted the role of the Armenian community in the normalization of the political and economic cooperation between the two states.