May 25, 2006 - 14:24 AMT
Armenian and Russian Presidents Had Telephone Conversation
Initiated by the Armenian party, Armenian President Robert Kocharian had a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, reports Kremlin Press Service. Robert Kocharian thanked the Russian party for efficient full-scale involvement of all services in the search and rescue works after the crash over the Black Sea and congratulated on the successful completion of the complicated operation of lifting the flight recorders. In his turn Vladimir Putin hoped the lifting of flight recorders would allow clearing out the circumstances of A-320 crash soon.

On the night of May 3 a Yerevan-Sochi flight of Armavia airlines crashed in the Black Sea 6 km away from Adler airport killing all of 113 passengers, including 6 children and 8 members of the crew. Among them were 26 Russian citizens, one Ukrainian and one Georgian citizen, while the rest were Armenian citizens.