May 29, 2006 - 14:43 AMT
First Republic Day Celebrated in Krasnodar
The Day of the First Republic or the day of restoration of the Armenian state system was celebrated in the Russian town of Krasnodar, reported the Yerkramas, the newspaper of Armenians of Russia. The festivities were held in the yard of the Armenian Church of Surb Hovhannes Avetaranich. Creative groups of the center of the Armenian culture and education "Narek" and of the Armenian community of Krasnodar gave performance despite the rain.

To remind, May 28 Armenians throughout the globe mark the national holiday, the Day of the First Republic that was formed in 1918. In 1918-1920 Armenia was ruled by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsutyun, one of the oldest Armenian parties, which serves on the ruling coalition to date.