June 2, 2006 - 14:46 AMT
South Ossetia Ready to Recognize Armenian Genocide
"If the Armenian party addresses the republic of South Ossetia, our parliament is ready to recognize the Armenian Genocide perpetrated in Ottoman Turkey at the beginning of last century," South Ossetian President Eduard Koykoty stated at a press conference in Moscow. In his words, with adopting the Declaration on the genocide perpetrated by Georgia aganist South Ossetians, the history of tragic events that took place in the Ottoman Empire was also studied.
To remind, April 26 the South Ossetian parliament passed the Declaration on the genocide of South Ossetians in 1989-1922. The declaration says that the Georgian Mensheviks subjected South Ossetians to genocide starting from 1774. In 1920 South Ossetia was forcibly annexed to the Soviet Georgia, whose leadership applied the policy of discrimination and assimilation that led to nationalist processes at late 1980-ies, reported IA Regnum.