June 23, 2006 - 15:11 AMT
Islamic Cultural Worker Joined Armenians of Saint Petersburg Against "I Dream of Turkey" Sketch
In order to stir up hostility between Christians and Muslims a new provocation - the advertisement of Turkish sights in "I dream of Turkey sketch" - was invented. The ad is broadcast by TV-Rambler in Saint Petersburg via the 22nd channel. A group of Armenians brought a suit against the channel accusing it of outraging honor and dignity. The Yerkramas, the newspaper of Armenian in Russia reported that cultural worker, presenter of Islamic programs in the air of Radio Rossii Jannat Sergey Markus posted the following statement on islam.ru: "As an Islamic cultural worker I join the suit and hope that my brothers, Muslims, will protest against the recurrent dirty job of impious post-modernism."

According to him, this sketch is blasphemous for each Muslim. "First, picturing of Great Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ) is prohibited by the Islamic canons. Second, even if it's a Christian image, it cannot be trampled, since the Koran demands respect for Christians and inadmissibility of blasphemy as regards their relics," he said.