January 16, 2015 - 16:56 AMT
FrontPage slams Erdogan’s “Muslims never carry out massacres” remark

There is no more Turkey. There is only Erdoganistan. And its deranged Islamist dictator has been following his party’s line of claiming that the Paris terror attacks are an anti-Muslim conspiracy, FrontPage Magazine said commenting to remarks by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Earlier, Erdogan accused the West of having a double standard with regard to Muslims. The Turkish leader said historically Muslims were never on the side of terror, nor did they perpetrate massacres: “French citizens carry out such a massacre, and Muslims pay the price.”

“The West’s hypocrisy is obvious. As Muslims, we’ve never taken part in terrorist massacres. Behind these lie racism, hate speech and Islamophobia,” Erdogan said.

“Sure. Muslims never carry out massacres. Especially not Turkish Muslims. Just ask the Armenians,” FrontPage said. “That’s ironic coming from a regime that has obvious ties to Al Qaeda and ISIS. And which has spent quite a lot of time killing Kurds and appears to be orchestrating a massacre of them across the border,” FrontPage concludes.