May 7, 2015 - 16:19 AMT
Holocaust, Genocide museums clear message to learn from past: President

On the sidelines of his working trip to the United States, President Serzh Sargsyan on Wednesday, May 6 visited the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, reports citing the presidential press service.

Accompanied by the museum’s director, the president toured the halls to get familiarized with the exhibits on display. He later left a note in a book for honorary guests. “I am deeply affected by what I saw here. This place is home to deep grief but also a beam of light, as it emphasizes the advantage of confronting the past over denial or attempts to cover it up. This is an invaluable contribution as a silent but vivid guarantor of future.

Dedicated to [victims] of atrocities committed against the mankind, museums as this and the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in Yerevan are not only places to pay tribute to those killed or to portray the condensed memories of survivors but also a clear message to the present and future generations for keeping the bitter memories of the past bright, learning lessons from them and conveying them to the future generations,” wrote the president.