October 2, 2006 - 18:13 AMT
Azerbaijan Major Goal to Isolate Armenia
Peaceful resolution of the Georgian-Russian crisis is a major task of the Armenian foreign policy at present, Armenian Deputy FM Arman Kirakosyan stated at South Caucasus 2006: Trends of Development, Threats and Risks international conference organized by Spectrum Center for Strategic Analysis. In his words, Armenia has normal relations with both countries. Kirakosyan hoped the crisis, which has a strong impact on the economy of the country, will be solved soon. «We hope the EU will help to overcome it within the ENP,» the Deputy FM said.

He also reminded that Azerbaijan's major goal is to isolate Armenia from the rest of the world. «GUAM pursues a short-sighted policy, which will do not good. Armenia, to the contrary, cooperates with countries of the region and international structures - this is the complementary foreign policy's actuality. As for cooperation with the EU, not membership in that organization, but democratic reforms are important for Armenia. Participation in the ENP will help overcome conflicts and differences in the region,» Kirakosyan underscored.