October 24, 2006 - 17:49 AMT
Continuation of Karabakh Talks Issues from Vital Interests of Yerevan and Baku
Continuation of the negotiations over settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict issues from vital interests of Armenia and Azerbaijan, French Ambassador to Armenia Henry Cuny stated in the course of a farewell news conference owing to ending his tenure in the country. In his words, France is involved in solution of the problem between Armenia and Azerbaijan as no one else. The French diplomat cited the words of Armenian President Robert Kocharian, who stated that no one besides the leaders of the parties themselves knows the dossier of the Karabakh better than French President Jacques Chirac. Henry Cuny noted the important role of the co-chairs of the OSCE MG in activating the talks in 2006. By using a musical language it can be said that the co-chairs work to attain harmony, but the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan should choose the melody themselves and act in that clue, the French diplomat underscored.