October 28, 2006 - 17:19 AMT
Monument to Holocaust and Genocide Victims Opened in Yerevan
October 27 a monument to Holocaust and Genocide victims opened in Yerevan. Chair of the Jewish community of Armenia and initiator of creation of the monument Rimma Varzhapetyan-Feller made the opening address. Members of Armenian Government, representatives of foreign embassies, media, Union of Nationalities of Armenia, Jewish community members were present at the opening. As PanARMENIAN.Net got informed, the opening meeting was accompanied by violin music of Song of Songs of famous Armenian composer Willy Winer, who announced a minute of silence to commemorate the innocent victims of Holocaust and Genocide. Chief rabbi of Armenia Gersh Meir-Burstain lit candles and read Kadish, after which music from Schindler's List film was played.