November 20, 2006 - 18:35 AMT
Europe Collected 1.1 Million Euros for Karabakh Rebirth
Europe has collected 1.1 million euros for the development of Nagorno Karabakh during the Phonetone-2006 organized by Hayastan Fund. Armenia has collected 35 million drams (some 73.3 euros). France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland and Belgium took part in the universal European phonetone-2006 held November 16-19. According to Hayastan Fund Spokesperson Anush Babayan, France donated 1 million euros, Germany - 51 thousand euros, Netherlands - 12 thousand euros, Belgium - 10 thousand euros and Switzerland - 15 thousand euros.

The funds will be spent on the reconstruction of infrastructures in Gadrut region of Karabakh within the Karabakh Rebirth project, reports